Thursday, November 30, 2006

"I don't want to look like the help"

That's what Bill Murray, co-anchor of WSAZ's News at Five said Thursday.

He was doing a story on all the folks who are getting gussied up for the Marshall movie premiere that's really not a premiere at all.

He was trying on a tux at Skeffington's in Huntington - a rented tux.
The clerk was telling him how appropriate it looked.

Looking in the mirror, Murray said "I don't want to look like the help" as he straughtened his tie.

Good Lord, Murray. I think that's something I would have edited out even if I meant it.

The clerk assured Murray that he wouldn't look like "the help" at the big whoop-ti-do at the luxurious Big Sandy Superstore Arena. "The help" aren't wearing coats, the clerk said.

I'm sure that's a big relief for Murray and all the others who don't want to look like "the help."

I'm sorry but that kind of language, and the mentality behind it, goes through me like a jolt of electricity. It always has.

It's "the help" that makes this country what it is, Buster. And strangely, Murray is "the help." Hell, most of us are "the help" whether we wear a tux or a white shirt or kakhi work clothes.

I hope Murray enjoys his rented tux and looks like somthing other than "the help" on the night of the big non-premiere. I'll be at home, dressed in my jeans and laughing at the people in Huntington who apparently like to play dress-up and pretend.

In fact, that's what Huntington has become - dress up and pretend.


At 3:42 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

What was it ever?


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