Friday, September 02, 2005


On his blog, Don Surber says:

It is a tragedy. Send your money if you want. Donate blood if you want. But get on with your life.

Let's not, Don.

This is the greatest natural tragedy to ever strike the United States. The Gulf Coast tragedy has become a part of our lives, just as 9/11 has become a part of our lives. I've read your blog and notice you have never dropped that event from your memory.

We can't ignore it. It has already become part of our heritage and how we handle it and, more importantly, react to it, will determine the future of this country just as our reaction to 9/11 has charted a course.

I will get on with my life, but I'll be dragging this event behind me all the way to my grave. If that's wrong, so be it.


At 7:41 PM, Blogger Senihele said...

How can someone see the anger and anguish of the people there and just "get on with your life"?

At 8:34 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am left with the understanding that:
1. We pay a lot of taxes to this government, and
2. We're not getting our money's worth.

They failed to stop the terrorist attacks on 9/11.
They failed to come to the aid of our citizens in Louisiana, Alabama and Mississippi.
And they fail to recognize that the magnitude of their failure should cause every American to reel in disgust.

Sorry, I can't get on with my life either - I simply can't get past this...


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