Wednesday, July 27, 2005

Gary Says Byrd Is The Word Too

Gary Abernathy, a known Republican and formerly Executive Director of the chaotic West Virginia Republican Party sort of agrees with me. Robert C. Byrd can't be beat if he decides to run In a column on his Web site he says in part

We Republicans can complain all we want about how Byrd's largesse has created an atmosphere of dependency in West Virginia. What West Virginians know is that federal agencies and jobs have come to their state that otherwise would not have come had it not been for Byrd.
The political reality that we must face in West Virginia is that there are very few voters who have not either benefited directly from a Byrd hand-out, or have family members or close friends who have.
Pork buys votes, and if we think we can educate people to vote otherwise, no matter how correct our position, we are more foolish than the audience we are targeting.

As for his membership in the KKK, he points out that everyone who has ever voted for Byrd in West Virginia has probably known of his affiliation with the KKK. He likens it to Bush's brush with alcoholism 20 years ago. Bush apparently got over that but Republicans don't thinnk Byrd can get over the KKK.

Anyway, read Abernathy's column. There is much truth in it.


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