Wednesday, December 20, 2006


"Parents always talk about their kids! In fact, people like me that don't have kids, you get sick of hearing about it. I don't want to see the pictures anymore! I don't want to hear about the honor roll! I don't want to hear about the latest poem. I don't want to hear about it! They never stop talking about their kids."

In case you don't know, it comes from none other than Rush Limbaugh. In fact, he's so proud of the quote, it's part of his "quotable quotes" on his Web site.

Is there an alternate universe where Rush Limbaugh and his hateful right wing friends don't exist. If so, can I get a ticket to go there?

By the way, I'll quit talking about my kid when Limbaugh stops talking about Obama's big ears.

But I don't think we have much longer to put up with him. The recidivism among drug addicts is more than 80 percent.


At 6:28 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

The big problem is that when you have money and connections (Rush doen't have freinds) you can stay out of jail almost indefinitely.

-Stephen G.

At 12:24 AM, Blogger Bill Riggall said...

Hey Dave. Where is that COMPASSION that you liberals wish to be known for? Rush talks about Barry's ears (they aren't big, they just stick out, big time) because Barry is so thin-skinned concerning them. Tweak. I don't recall you ever chastising the liberal cartoonists who drew 43 with huge ears.

And speaking of Palin, did you practice catch and release when you used to go fishing at the Rochester Dam? Or, didn't you ever catch anything big enough to have to club? Just wondering.

At 12:45 AM, Blogger Bill Riggall said...

And speaking of COMPASSION, the President has a lot...for Michael Vick. I'm glad Stella and Barkley didn't get "recruited" the way other dogs did to help train Vick's camp of killers. I'm sorry I don't know the recidivism rates for dog fighters.


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