Chris is right. Always!
I wonder what Chris Stirewalt will be like when he grows up?I don't know how old he is, but he doesn't appear to be able to grow a beard, or else he shaves very closely. His baby face probably belies his true age.
I had communication with Chris when he was an editor at The Daily Mail. When rats started deserting what appeared to be a sinking ship at the Mail several months agao, Chris left and took a job with the Bray Carey's State Journal.
When that happened, he apparently let his true conservataive colors come shining through.
Today he writes for West Virignia's cognoscenti and apparently he believes they are all moss-backed conservatives. His recent column is yet another of his right wing rants.
I know he is wrong. Some of the biggest movers and shakers in West Virginiia - those with social conscienses - must disagree with Chris.
Don't get me wrong. Chris is a good writer in a smart-alek sort of way. And I wouldn't deny him his political stance. I read most of his columns thought I doubt he reads mine.
When I was Chris' age, I was wildly liberal. Now that I am older, I have grown more conservative. I can't help but wonder what Conservative Chris will be like when he's my age. Will he resort to writing one simple sentence in his columns "Goddam liberals. They all ought to be shot for the good of the nation."
I won't have to worry about it. I'll be dead and Chris will probably still be belittling the dumb liberal Democrat hillbillies and flyinig into faux rages to keep his super-conservative heart beating.
Your favorite person was on Decision Makers this morning. Can you tell me when WV legislators voted on a gay marriage bill because he managed to throw that in against democrats. He's a one trick pony/
I think you give chris too much credit.
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