Saturday, October 29, 2005

Wonder how much that cost?

I asked a few people about what they thought happened in the dropping of drunk driving charges against Jack Whittaker.

All of them responded the same way. See the title of this blog for the response.

My own opinion is that it cost Whittaker about $10,000. Hell, you can buy a legislator for less than $10,000.

I predict that this unacceptable situation will be solved in another way. Whittaker hasnot got the message that alcohol kills. I suspect that he believes he is immune to the laws of nature and nature's God as well as the laws of man.

Well, he can't buy God, no matter what the right wing evangelical neo-cons believe.

Nice knowin' ya, Jack.


At 10:37 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Did you know that Whitaker is a Democrat?


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