So when are we invading North Korea??
CNN threatens to present a special Sunday night on the atrocities happening in North Korea, complete with video smuggled out of the country.It's clear the people of North Korea aren't free. They are slaves to the state. President Bush says we should come to the assistance of people who don't have freedom. We invaded Iraq to give those folks their freedom.
So when are we going to invade North Korea, Mr. President? Huh? Huh? Gotta be consistent.
And if we need another reason, North Korea is likely to have weapons of mass destruction.
After we free the North Koreans, I have a rather long list of countries we need to invade if we are going to free every citizen of the world.
The world is free of huddled masses yearning to breathe free. Heck, some of them are even located in countries where there are significant oil reserves.
We can't pick and choose, it appears to me. We have to free them all.
Or die trying.
Be careful what you ask for....
The road home from Iraq most likely leads through Iran and North Korea.
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