Monday, April 25, 2005

Bad Guy! Bad Guy!

I knew I was stirring up a hornet's nest with my column about Public Broadcasting. I have probably lost some friends who work for public television. But that's OK. Like L.T. Anderson, I don't plan on having a funeral so I'm not trying to solicit mourners or flowers.

I find it incredibly ironic that we have schools in this state with virtually no classes other than the basics. There are no advanced classes at too many schools in an era when advanced classes are not just nice to have. They are absolutely necessary.

What is West Virginia Public Broadcasting doing to bring advanced education to these schools? Could it do more? Absolutely. What about public radio? Could it do more in the afternoons to offer something akin to education rather than hour after hour of classical music?

All I am trying to say is that I believe West Virginia Public Broadcasting needs to focus - really focus - on education. And for God's Sake, it needs to stop holding its listeners hostage until it meets it giving goals, part of which goes to Rita Ray.

There must be a better way of dealiing with public broadcasting in West Virginia. I brought the topic up for discussion. If that makes me a bad guy, so be it.

I've been called worse.


At 11:55 AM, Blogger Donutbuzz said...


As much as I'd like to see things change as you've suggested, it won't happen soon. If it does happen, it won't be without a fight. Selfish politics are simply incompatible with the needs of our State. Once in awhile, you'll get a dreamer who changes things for the better, but not before somebody takes him or her out of the picture.

At 12:06 PM, Blogger Dave Peyton said...

I said as much in a comment in Fifth Column. Public Broadcasting is engrained AS IS in our state's seedy political culture.It's probably going to take dynamite to get Ray out of there despite her past shady dealings and her extra income from donors who were told they were giving money to keep Lawrence Welk et al afloat.


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