Saturday, April 16, 2005

Walkin' Around Money

What's the deal with the West Virignia Legislature squirrelling away $65 million in "undocumented funds" ? No one seems to know but you can be sure there's an ulterior motive. There is an ulterior motive to everything those crack-smoking freaks do.

It's not that West Virignia is flush with money. It isn't. In fact, the state is still in line for a major fiscal crisis in 2009 or thereabouts, just about the time that what passes for major cities in West Virginia will go belly up. Of course, if Joe Manchin is able to attract 400 trillion dollars worth of new business to West Virginia, it will soften the blow a little. Go Joe!!! Keep telling the world that West Virginia is open for business. Maybe someone will be fooled into believing it.

My best guess is they are putting this money aside for cheerleading costumes, Little League baseball fields and all the other things that legislators (and the governor) like to give personally as a sign of their genuine love for West Virginia.

If they really want to do something positive with the money, they ought to give economic development grants to prospective meth makers along with instructions on how to make safe meth labs that won't explode and endanger the lives of their kids and neighbos.

But, as Richard Nixon said "That would be wrong."

Yea, as if building private facilities with public money and thereby buying votes isn't wrong.


At 12:07 AM, Blogger Jim said...

I would bet dollars to donuts that it's for the teacher pay raises. Teachers will get theirs, but only after they beat the bushes in favor of the bond amendment.

Plus, giving the raises now would place the bond amendment in jeopardy with some voters.

This way the bonds pass, and then raises increase the debt that we need the bonds for in the first place.

But it's ok since the reason we need bonds is because of the old broken teachers retirement system that is no longer in business...

oh wait they reestablished that this year...


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