Saturday, April 23, 2005

Blame Democrats?

To hear Don Surber tell it in his blog, about 99.8 percent of West Virginia's problems are caused by Democrats.

If that is true, then it may be extrapolated from this theorem that electing an all-Republican Legislature, Board of Public Works and Governor will solve our problems.

Everyone who believes that, please raise your hands or anotherimportant appendage if you're Vic Sprouse.

The atmosphere in Charleston coupled with the misinterpretation of what is good for West Virginia by the electorate is at the root of the problem. Simply replacing Democrats with Republicans will produce the same toxicity.

Despite the fact Republicans are going into a Baptist Church in Louisville, Ky., this weekend to pray to Jesus to throw the liberal judges out and replace them with right-thinking jurists, it doesn't give that party any more morals or ethics than Democrats. All it does is remind me why I don't belong to any church.

Give the Republicans the majority in the House of Delegates and the State Senate and GOP shennigans will simply replace Democrat shennigans.

The problem is with the electorate that puts these jokers in office and expect rewards for their bowling alley, Little League team of volunteer fire department.

Jerry Mezzatesta brought the bacon to Hampshire County and frankly, I am amazed the folks in that county (a) voted him out of office and ( b) fired him from his school system job. Mezzatesta was doing exactly what he thought - no, what he knew - his constituents expected of him. Harold Michaels is doing the same.

The problem doesn't lie with a political party or even the people we choose to send to Charleston.

The problem lies with the people who send them there and their pathological expectations.


At 11:24 AM, Blogger Hippie Killer said...

It's almost a dirty little secret of the West Virginia politics--I mean, it's right out in the open, buy no one ever talks about it--is that almost all of the "democrats” in every single West Virginia elected office are Democrats In Name Only. Sure, I guess republicans tend to take more money from business, and democrats seem to take more money from labor, but it’s hardly exclusive. If you look to what both parties stand for—I’ll be damned if I can’t find much of a difference on any issue, cultural or economic. Most of the big legislation that’s came through in the past couple years—additional restrictions on abortion, mad-mal caps, raising coal truck weight limits, third party bad faith…these are issues typically associated with conservative republicans ideals. It’s funny to hear Surber harp on and on about how bad the Democrats are when I can’t imagine republicans doing things any differently.

At 9:19 PM, Blogger Dave Peyton said...

You hit the nailon thehead, hk, As I said the problem goes deeper than parties. The entire atmosphere in the state is toxic. And I fear the toxicity originats with the electorate.


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